Shisshō (失笑 - Bursting into Laughter)

Mar 31, 2019 22:19

Have you ever burst into laughter because something was so funny?

Such a laugh is referred to as 'shisshō' (失笑) in Japanese.

'Shi/shitsu' (失) usually means "lose," but here it means "mistake" or "wrong."

In addition, 'shō' (笑) means "laugh," so the literal meaning of 'shisshō' means "a wrong laugh."

However, since 'shitsu' (失) is familiar in the meaning of "lose," many Japanese people believe that 'shisshō' means "a bitter laugh."

According to a survey by the Agency for Cultural Affairs, more than 60% of Japanese people use this word incorrectly.



「失」は通常 "lose" を意味しますが、ここでは "mistake/wrong" を意味します。

また、「笑」は "laugh" を意味するので、「失笑」での文字どおりの意味は "a wrong laugh" となります。

「失」の意味が "lose" である認識が強いためか、「失笑」の意味を「呆れて笑えない」と勘違いしている日本人がとても多いです。

No. 1 Nofoofro's correction
  • Shisshō
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Have you ever burst into laughter because something was so funny?
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Such a laugh is referred to as 'shisshō' (失笑) in Japanese.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • 'Shi/shitsu' (失) usually means "lose," but here it means "mistake" or "wrong."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • In addition, 'shō' (笑) means "laugh," so the literal meaning of 'shisshō' means "a wrong laugh."
  • In addition, 'shō' (笑) means "laugh," so the literal meaning of 'shisshō' means is "a wrong laugh."
  • However, since 'shitsu' (失) is familiar in the meaning of "lose," many Japanese people believe that 'shisshō' means "a bitter laugh."
  • However, since 'shitsu' (失) is familiar in the meaning of often means "lose," many Japanese people believe that 'shisshō' means "a bitter laugh."
     I wasn't sure what you meant by " familiar in the meaning of..." The way I corrected it above means that when 失 appears in words, it usually means "lose," so people tend to read it as "lose" even when it means something else.
  • According to a survey by the Agency for Cultural Affairs, more than 60% of Japanese people use this word incorrectly.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
Thank you for teaching us about 失笑 :)
Thank you so much for the correction! :)
Yes, what I wanted to say is "失 usually means 'lose'."